Shekinah Lodge #171

Presents the Nationally Known
Oklahoma Indian Degree Team

Oklahoma Indian Degree Team

Shekinah Lodge #171 is proud to bring the Oklahoma Indian Degree Team to St. Paul, Minnesota on May 17 to confer the Master Mason degree. Registration and visitor examination will start at 10:00 a.m. First section of the degree will start at noon, second section starts at 1:45. Dinner will be served at 5:00 p.m. A $20.00 fee will be charged to cover dinner expenses and to partially offset the cost of the degree team expenses.

The Oklahoma Masonic Indian Degree Team was organized in the late 1950's. The team consists of 15 active members, 11 of which are Past Masters. Nine recognized tribes are represented: Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Creek, Eucha, Oneida, Osage, Seminole, and ("Sycamore"). States visited include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachuettes, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Oklahoma lodges represented are: Cherokee #10, Delta #425, Daylight #542, Dustin #336, Red Fork #505, and Tulsa #71.

While the team welcomes telephone inquiries, they will only confirm written requests from a lodge. Written requests are honored by the earliest postmark.

Occasionally they will have requests for the same date. In the State of Oklahoma the team does not require travel expenses. They do however, accept contributions to offset their expenses. When they travel out of state, they ask the host lodge to furnish their transportation, lodging and meal expenses. For further information please contact the Director or Assistant Director.

